Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year Resolutions

One of the things we like to do as a new year approaches and the old one ends is to make resolutions. Next year we will lose weight. Next year we will read the whole Bible, we will visit that lonely parent, we will be a better spouse, a better parent, etc.

This year I do not want to make resolutions for the coming year like that, but I want to make resolutions in light of my temporary life. What is all I had was next year? The truth is we do not know when our lives will end. It doesn't matter how old one is.  A suddnent death out of the blue, due to a sickness, accident, etc. can happen any time. Are we leaving a legacy? I would like to not make resolutions, but leave a legacy. We should be ready any day and with every person in our lives at peace and with everything in order. I know I am not there yet, but I am planning on doing this ASAP.

What are some things you believe God would want you to leave behind? In what ways could you impact the world even after you are gone? Write those things down because unless we write them down, we are not very organized to carrying them out.

I pray that we have a purpose; a mission. Jesus did. When He was born into the world, He was born with a purpose. He did not just come to waste time and breath in the fresh air. He came to make an impact and leave a legacy.
I believe God wanted you to be born with a purpose. If you really listen to Him and look at your life, you will know what that is. Then why are you running from it? Why are you doing things just to make you money and not follow who He created you to be? Why do you keep putting things off? You might not have much time.

Today is the time. Listen to this song and I pray God moves your heart. I pray you make a decision to really obey Him. That involves more than a Bible Study, a prayer, a Sunday morning attendance,etc. It involves healing the sick, helping the poor, cleaning the lepers, basically loving practically on people. Jesus commanded us to obey and love. It is NOT an option. Why do we take His command lightly?

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