Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Am An Eternal Being...

From the beginning God created us to be eternal beings. That means, when we die we will still not be really dead; our spirits will live somewhere: heaven or hell. That is our choice. But I am not here to talk about hell or heaven, but about your life and my life here while on Earth.

I believe sometimes when things are not going so well in our lives, we wish that there was one way out. So many people choose suicide as an answer, but they have not realized or have forgotten that we cannot really kill the real us. We last forever and what we do here will " haunt" us in the future to come.

The Bible talks about how we will all be judged for the GOOD or BAD we have done. I thought there was not going to be a judgment for those who did good, but I was wrong. There will be.

In 2005 I found out I had cancer. I just had my little girl a year before that and she was born with some birth defects. She is doing pretty well now, but she still has things she struggles with because of what satan has done to her. We are praying and God is working. I have seen God work in her life miraculously. I will not give up praying for her.

When I found out I had cancer, it wasn't so much the fear of dying that gripped my heart, but of facing Jesus and not having left a legacy, of having done enough. I wondered if I had done everything God asked me to do here on this Earth.

So, I decided since then that I will not let satan surprise me anymore. When my time comes, I want to be ready. I want to be able to say, " I can go now because I really have done all He wanted me to do here on Earth". How else will He say, 'Well, done!"?

We were sent here on Earth with a mission: to fulfill our destiny. You and I have a mission on this planet. There is more to life than going to school and having a job. There is more to life than going to church on Sunday morning.

Life can end in a second and I believe that just as Jesus left us the New Testament( His Will), we need to leave a "WILL" here on Earth. I am not wanting to sound morbid, but it is true that we will all face the Lord one day; we will all face Him one day whether we believe it or not. And we need to make sure that we leave something behind. I am not just talking about money and something for our kids, but something that people will talk about for generations to come and that will change their lives. See, we can make a long-term difference, not only while we are here, but even after we are gone. I do not know about you, but some of the greatest people that impacted my life are already dead. Their lives and words are still speaking to me and others, too. They invested in me and I wasn't even alive when they were. Jesus did the same things. His Word speaks still. The disciples wrote the Gospels. They still change lives.

Don't you want to make an impact that will change the world even after you are gone?

One of the things I have started doing is to write my little girl letters and put them in a box for her to read one day. Some letters have job ideas, others short sermonettes, and others a mix of sharing my heart with her and also my struggles.One day she will treasure those and realize I can still help her after I am gone.

Another thing I started doing is to visit nursing homes with my small group. We go and share, sing, and pray for healing for the people there. God wants them healed , not die in a nursing home, but I am afraid we have settled to the idea that these elderly people will die there and that is how it is. We are afraid to change the situation. Satan's lair is there: people full of diseases. They need Jesus. If Jesus walked by there today, He would heal them all. Guess what? Jesus is IN you and He wants to go there today. Are you going to let Him?

We need to leave a legacy. We need to take our children with us when we minister and show them what we do. We need to plant in their hearts the words of God and teach them the Scriptures. They will only succeed if they know Jesus. We can be gone any second, but Jesus will stay with them and one day we will see them in heaven IF we have done our part of teaching them about Jesus. This is a matter of life and death. Christ is a real person. Just think about that, because I honestly believe sometimes we just think of Him as an idea or a vapor or something. He is a person. He is just and one day we will all go an give an account.

Do not let any day go by anymore without living your destiny. Quit wasting your time with a job you hate and that God did not even destine you for. Quit wasting your time on TV. Quit hanging out with bad friends. And quit being just a Sunday Christian. Seize the moment. Take every opportunity and bless people. Serve God. Serve those who come after you.

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