Friday, April 8, 2011

Most of the American "Church" is NOT Going to Heaven

I have not seen this until I went through .a divorce I really did not want: most of the so called church is living in adultery. If most of the people in these buildings are living in adultery, then how can they believe they are going to heaven? Yes, most of the people in the church are divorced and remarried. Remarriage is adultery and it is not forgiven unless you leave that relationship. But we have pastors and leaders that are not preaching the truth, therefore sending their congregations to hell. Please check out www. to learn more about how remarriage is adultery. People bring up a lot of excuses with this, but the fact is if we did not love people, we would not tell the truth. If I stay and keep quiet about the truth while I see you going on the wrong path and towrds your destruction, then what kind of true love do I have for you?

Please  do not take this as an attack, but as love that shouts out to help you. None of us are perfect, that is true, but it is one thing to make mistakes and another to live in sin and without any change and thinking we are ok.

The statistics show now that more "christians" are divorcing than non-believers. How can we do that? How can we say Jesus is Lord in our lives and yet hate our spouses? How can we find an excuse to leave them when Jesus shows us our sins and that we are no better than them? How can we point at them and not see the log in our own eyes? How can we say we love God, yet we hate our own flesh and blood, our spouses?

I have pondered and pondered this question and asked the Lord, " Lord, how can a country like America be saved if  she refuses to obey after hearing the truth? How can a people be saved if the Gospel doesn't affect them anymore?" Unless America will go back to the basics, most will not enter heaven. We sit deceived in our pews. We lead worship with idolatry in our hearts. We pastor while we are divorced from our spouses and they struggle to make it while we have other girlriends and boyfriends. How can Christ do that if He is really living in you?  We cannot claim that He lives in us when we do all this stuff. He is not living. We are.
We need to repend and get back to basics, but that will only happen when we really start loving Jesus. Are you in love with Jesus? Really in love with Him? I am asking myself the same question.

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